Francesco del Bene
Founding Partner - External Of Counsel
Financial intermediation
Banking and structured finance
CLOs (Collateralized Loan Obligations)
CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations)
CMBS (Commercial mortgage-backed securities)
CLN (Credit Linked Notes)]
Corporate financing
Working capital transactions
New investments
Medium or long term debt restructuring
Securitization, M & A
Real estate finance

Avv. Prof. Piergiorgio Casati, LL.M.
Senior Partner - Professor of International Private Law Heidelberg University

PUCP-Universidad Católica Law Professor – Program: Master in Business Law Director on Management of LLM Program.
ESAN Professor of the MBA Program – Courses: Business Law Management of distress companies and Turnaround International Business Transactions
Academia de la Magistratura
Universidad del Pacífico Former Director of the International Negotiations Program
USIL- Univ. San Ignacio Former Professor of Business Law at the MBA Program
domestic and foreign project finance, acquisition finance, export credit and shipping finance transactions. He has been advising domestic
and foreign lending entities and borrowers, in the sectors of: energy, shipping, transportation and infrastructures, including highways, highspeed
trains, hospitals, ports, offices, parking, hotels, with a strong focus on investments in strategie sectors, such as energy, for the
modernization and adaptation of oil plants and power plants.
Law Degree, magna cum laude. Admitted to the Supreme Court and to UK Bar. Speaks fluent English and French.
I Avv.
Of Counsel

Born in Gaeta (LT) on 8 December 1937. Graduated (maxima) in Jurisprudence from La Sapienza University (Supervisor Prof. Francesco Santoro Passarelli) with a thesis in Labor Law on “Nature and functions of the Internal Commission”, published. Journalist.
He was general secretary of the Italian Union of Metalworkers – UILM; general secretary of the Federation of Metalworkers – FLM; general secretary of the Italian Labor Union – UIL; vice president of the European Metalworkers Federation – FEM; vice president of the European Trade Union Confederation – CES; several times councilor of the CNEL.
Mrs Giovanna Gentile
Equity Partner and Head Of Corporate M&A Department

Prof. Avv. Federico Michele Sorrentino
Equity Partner and Head of Corporate M&A Department
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