The Law Firm provides advice in relation to the profiles related to corporate governance, by administrative and control structures to the activities of the administration and assembly bodies. The Firm assists Italian and foreign clients in the structuring of any type of operation, in Italy and abroad, taking care of the preparation and negotiation of agreements commercial all kinds.



The firm provides assistance in the preparation of electricity supply contracts, with reference to the participation and regulation of the power exchange mechanisms, in relation to the forms of acquisition of CIP / 6 rights, for all issues related to the relationship (including contractual) between private operators and TERNA, GRTN, Single Buyer, Manager of the Electricity market Authority and the Electricity and Gas Authority.


The firm provides advice on initiatives related to project financing. This assistance shall cover all phases of project financing:

  • • Is the properly-privatization contract: formation of the agreement between the various parties involved; execution of the Agreement, focused on the implementation of the obligations put forward in documents which represent the hardcore of the transaction (credit agreement and related financial documents); structuring and implementation of the package of rhymes of which the donors usually have to make a reasonable return on investment of gold (security package);


The firm represents and assists Italian and foreign clients in respect of any dispute in civil and administrative matters, even abroad, through a network of qualified foreign studies.
The Firm also assistance to Italian and foreign clients in arbitration proceedings before national and international organizations to participate in making their own lawyers both in quality ‘of members of the arbitration panel or the only arbiters in both quality defenders prosecutors.


Publishing and telecommunications.

The Firm provides assistance to Italian and foreign clients interested in entering the Italian market publishing and telecommunications, solving all problems related to the authorizations and permits required to operate in the sector.



The activity that the Firm carries out in this area includes the provision of opinions and the elaboration of complex contractual structures on a wide range of banking and financial transactions, such as domestic contracts and international loans, syndicated loans, letters of credit, guarantees of credit, contractual financial guarantees, financial leasing of assets (leasing), secured loans, restructuring and renegotiation of mortgages, swaps and derivatives, warrants and structured bonds, structured finance aimed at carrying out project financing and corporate and real estate acquisitions.

In the corporate and structured finance area, the Firm provides online consultancy in the structuring of transactions: the issue and placement of financial instruments, including debt instruments, the preparation of the prospectus, offer and advertising documents in general, the drafting of related contracts and maintaining relations with the Supervisory Authorities; credit securitization. performing due diligence activities, and preparing the related contracts and other typical offer documents as well as maintaining relations with the Supervisory Authority.


The Law Firm carries out consultancy activities in the field of insolvency and preconcorsuali procedures, about the issues concerning all aspects of the subject.
With reference to the restructuring of the debt, the Firm provides assistance in relation to:
• debit restructuring agreements;
• plans extrajudicial reorganization;
• bankruptcy petition;
• arrangements with creditors.

The firm provides consulting altresi in carrying out bankruptcy proceedings, even minor, with reference to the promotion of the same procedures, the stages of verification and to those contentious, admission of claims to the passive state, the opposition, the claims of the assets and the recognition of rights of first refusal and pre-deduction loans, to the acts necessary and / or in preparation for the closure of the procedures including the bankruptcy agreement.