Tel: (511) 440-6011 — (511) 4407632
Consultant Professor for ESAN’s Programa Magister (a master’s degree in business administration) and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru’s Master’s Degree in Business Law programme. Former of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru’s Master’s Degree in Corporate Law Programme. Lecturer and visiting professor at EAN in Colombia, University of Zaragoza Business School in Spain, ICESI, and Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. Professor at Université du Québec à Montreal. Columnist for Gestión, El Comercio, Perú 21, Nexo Franquicia, Justo Medio and Grupo de Diarios de América
GDA. Senior Lawyer at Estudio Flint Abogados, a business law firm. Manager of Flint Consulting Group, a company with deep expertise in turnaround and converting saving distress companies. Partner of Neumann Business School, representative of ITAE from Spain and Universidad de Tarapacá of Chile. Author of several books in Law and Administration such as La Negociación Empresarial, Derecho Empresarial, Gestión de Empresas en Crisis – Técnicas de Reflotamiento, Derecho Concursal – Contratos Empresariales, Figuras Jurídico-Financieras y Aspectos Legales de Reflotamiento de Empresas, Tratado de Defensa de la Libre Competencia, Negociaciones Eficaces, Tratado de Derecho Concursal (2 volumes), Reflotamiento – Aspectos Económicos y Financieros aplicables a la Gestión de Empresas en Crisis, Negociación Integral, Gerencia integral — Visión multidisciplinaria de la Gerencia y del Derecho Empresarial, Negocios y Transacciones Internacionales (2 volumes) and Manual del Agente Inmobiliario. LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French and Hebrew. AREAS: Corporate Law, Restructuring, Antitrust Foreign Investment, International Business Transactions.
- An academic and professional with more than 30 years experience in the national and international field. He is also experienced in investment banking, a specialist in corporate law and the finance of middle and large projects. As corporate lawyer has been in charge of key position for multinational companies.
- Main partner of Estudio Flint Abogados and President of Flint Consulting Group, both firms dedicated to legal and financial operations. Member of Legal Network International and Lex Universal. Teacher in ESAN-Magister Program (MBA) and Director of the mention on management at the Master Legal Program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Author of many hornbooks and lecturer of several Law Programs at Post-Graduate level in South
- Flint is an expert on Negotiations having worked with Prof. David Lax and Jim Sebenius of HBS as well as Howard Raiffa and Roger Fisher.
- He was invited to the Harvard Negotiation Project as resource
person and has been teaching the field for more than 30 years.
He is the author of 5 books on the subject matter. 1
- Flint Consulting Group
- Pacific Credit Rating
- American Capital Management
Estudio Flint Abogados Senior Partner In charge of the
International Division Advisor of trading companies, banks, textile industries, building compsanies,
- Director
of International Division in Latin
- Colombian Chamber of Commerce – CAPECOL
- Binational Federation of Chambers of Commerce Vice-Presidente
- PUCP-Universidad Católica
Law Professor – Program: Master in Business Law
Director on Management of LLM
Professor of the MBA Program — Courses:
Business Law Management of distress companies and Turnaround
International Business Transactions
•Academia de la Magistratura
- Professor
•Universidad del Pacífico
Former Director of the International Negotiations Program
- USIL- San Ignacio
Former Professor of Business Law at the MBA Program
- CICOM OEA — Centro Interamericano de Comercialización
— Río de Janeiro, Brasil
- INCAE — Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas — Costa Rica
- ICESI de Cali — Colombia
- Universidad de los Andes – Bogotá, Colombia
- Universidad del Rosario — Colombia
- Universidad Santiago de Cali — Colombia
- Universidad Gabriela Mistral – Chile
- Universidad Diego Portales – Chile
- Professor Flint teaches in Colombia and Peru in behalf of the Universite Du Quebec a Montreal
- Professor Flint teaches in Peru as Professor of Universidad de Tarapacá –
- Instituto de Alta Gerencia- IAG
- Centro Internacional de Resolución de Conflictos – CIRC
University | Grade / Diploma | Year | |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP (Lima – Perú) | Bachelor of General Studies – Bachelor of Arts (BA) | 1970 – 1971 | |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP (Lima – Perú) | Bachelor in Law (BL) | 1972 – 1975 | |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP (Lima – Perú) | Lawyer (Suma Cum Laude) (JD) | 1976 | |
Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MA – U.S.A.) | LLM (Magister in Law — Suma Cum Laude) | 1977 | |
Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados – ESAN (Lima – Perú) | Magister in Business Administration (MBA)
Suma Cum Laude |
1986 | |
Negotiation Project — Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MASS – U.S.A.) | Resource Person at the Harvard Negotiation Project – Visiting Professor | 1987 | |
Universidad St. Gallen Suiza St. Gallen – Suiza) | Latinamerican Executive Program – How to export to Switzerland / Swiss Scholarship Government One person per country | 1988 | |
Harvard Business School
(Cambridge, MASS – U.S.A.) |
Owner President Management
Diploma |
1989 | |
Lawyer in Spain through convalidation of professional title | Lawyer (JD) | 1989 | |
Oxford University – Templeton College (Oxford – England) | Certificate in Advance Management Studies | 1993 | |
University | Grade / Diploma | Y | ear |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú — PUCP (Lima – Peru) | Tax Diploma | ||
1994 | |||
Universidad del Pacífico (Lima – Peru) | Training Strategic Management Diploma (Train the trainer) | 1995 | |
Ministerio de Justicia (Lima – Perú) | Expert Mediator Register No. 000087 | 1998 | |
Université dú Québec á Montreal
UQAM (Montreal – Canadá) |
MBA — Master in Business Administration (Maîtrise en administration des affaires) | 1999 — 2000 | |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú — PUCP (Lima – Perú) | PHD
(Doctor in Law) |
2001 | |
Universitat Ramon Llull
Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección e Empresas – ESADE |
(Doctor in Business Administration) |
2008 | |
INCAE Business School (Lima – Peru) | Global Management Program | 2011 | |
Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania (USA) |
Strategic Persuasion Workshop: The Art and Science of Selling Ideas | 2012 | |
Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation | Negotiation and Leadership | 2014 | |
Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation | The Negotiation Master Class | 2015 | |
Oxford University Said Business School | Oxford Programme on Negotiation | 2015 |
l The Arab-Israeli Conflict before the Public International Law,
2 volumes. Thesis for the B.L. degree.
l The Treatment of Dangerous Activities and Hazardous Objects in the Latin — American Tort Law. An Interpretative Model.
Thesis for the LLM degree Harvard
Law School.
- Business Law. Cases and Materials of Law applied to Business.
Textbook for the Business Law — ESAN. Ed. Studium
- Labor Law. Cases and Materials of Law applied to
Textbook for the Human Resource
Course – ESAN. Ed. Studium
l Principles and Techniques for International Negotiation.
Editorial NNUU (1990)
l Strategic Considerations for Agroindustrial exports to the UK: An Applied Case.
Thesis for the Advance Management Certificate. Oxford University
Unpublished Work
l Business Negotiations, 372 pages
Perú: Ediciones Justo Valenzuela
E.I.R.L. (372 Págs.). (1993)
l Management Negotiation
Colombia: Universidad Santiago de Cali – Colombia (1994)
l Genetic Law — The Impact of the Genoma on Insurance and Labor Law
Serie Derecho y Tecnología — Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1998)
l The Power Group in the Oil and Flour Industries
Serie Derecho y Tecnología Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú (1999).
l Crisis Management — Turnaround Techniques
Sky Graf Press: Bolsa de Subcontratación de Lima (458 Págs.)
Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Colombia (2000)
Cámara de Comercio Boliviana (2001)
l Bankruptcy Law: Financial and Strategic Tools to obtain Turnaround
Editora Gaceta Jurídica (2000)
l Effective Negotiations
Editorial El Comercio (2001)
l Treatise on Antitrust
Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Tesis Doctoral Publicada con mención honrosa (2001)
- NegoSoft – Software
- Simeg – Software
l The Integral Negotiation
Editora Jurídica Grijley (2003)
- Treatise of Bankruptcy Law (2 Volumes)
Editora Jurídica Grijley (2002)
l Turnaround, Economic and Financial aspects applied to distress companies management
Editora Jurídica Grijley
- General Management — Textbook Editora Juridica Grijley (2006)
l The Real State Broker Manual
Editora Juridica Grijley (2009)
l International Business Transactions
Volume 1 (2011) Volume 2 (in print ) Editora Jurídica Grijley
- Labor Law (in print)
Gaceta Jurídica
- Tax Law (in print) Gaceta Jurídica
l Medio Empresarial
Collaborator of Actualidad Legal section
- Gaceta Jurídica
Doctrine Section
- Ius Et Veritas
Newspaper Publications
- Diario Gestión — Collaborator Business Law area
- Diario Perú 21 – Collaborator Economic area
- Diario “El Comercio” – Collaborator in sections:
- Economy & Negotiations
- Economy & Labor
- Diario Síntesis
- Grupo de Diarios América : Collaborator
La Nación – Argentina El Tiempo – Colombia El Comercio – Perú
Diario de S. Paolo – Brazil
La Nación – Costa Rica
El Nuevo Día – Puerto Rico O’Globo – Brazil
El Comercio – Ecuador El País – Uruguay Zero Hora — Brazil Siglo – Guatemala
El Nacional — Venezuela 8
Working papers
What can I do now? – Banking negotiation Colegio de Abogados de Lima
- International Negotiation
Ediciones ESAN — Teaching Materials N° 1 (2004)
- Negotiation of Personal Relationships in the International Market
Ediciones ESAN — Teaching Materials N° 2 (2004)
- Negotiation with International Transport Operators
Ediciones ESAN — Teaching Materials N° 3 (2004)
- Management Negotiation
Ediciones ESAN — Teaching Materials N° 4 (2004)
Future Publications
- International Tax Law
- Market Law
- Persuasion: The Psychology of Influence